Environmental Data Scientist Required for Climate Change Research

Jun 5, 2023 - MidLevel

$25,000.00 Fixed

We are actively seeking an Environmental Data Scientist for a critical research project focusing on climate change. This role involves analyzing environmental data to understand the impact of climate change and contribute to meaningful research in this area.


  • Analyze large datasets related to climate, weather patterns, and environmental changes.
  • Apply statistical and machine learning techniques to model climate change scenarios.
  • Collaborate with environmental scientists to validate models and interpretations.
  • Translate data insights into comprehensible findings for policy development and public awareness.
  • Manage data integrity and ensure accurate data processing.


  • Advanced degree in Environmental Science, Data Science, Statistics, or a related field with a focus on environmental studies.
  • Proven experience in data analysis, specifically related to environmental or climate data.
  • Strong proficiency in data science tools and programming languages (e.g., Python, R, SQL).
  • Familiarity with geospatial analysis and remote sensing data.
  • Excellent analytical, problem-solving, and communication skills.


Expected project duration is 6 months.


Fixed-rate, negotiable based on the complexity of the project and the candidate’s expertise.

Additional Information:

  • Candidates should be ready to present previous work or research that demonstrates their experience in environmental data analysis and climate change studies.
  • The project may involve interactions with international research teams, requiring flexibility in communication and collaboration.

  • United States
  • Proposal: 0
  • Verified
  • More than 3 month
Sarah Tremblay
Sarah Tremblay Inactive
New York , United States
Member since
Jan 23, 2023
Total Job
Last seen
6 months ago