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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

If you don't find the answer you're looking for, feel free to submit your own question to our support team.

How much commission do I need to pay?

Our commission structure is competitive and transparent. Earnings between $500 and $10,000 with a client are subject to a 10% fee, and for earnings over $10,000 with a single client, our fee is reduced to 5%

How does the membership subscription work?

DataInsta offers various subscription options: free, weekly, monthly, and yearly. Each tier offers unique benefits, and you can cancel anytime. For detailed information, please check our subscription page.

What are the benefits of joining Freelancer platform?

Joining DataInsta connects you to a vibrant community of Data Experts, offering diverse opportunities for both freelancers and clients. We specialize in matching the right talent with the right projects, fostering innovation and growth.

Are there specific times for withdrawals?

Yes, on DataInsta, you can opt for either bi-weekly or monthly withdrawals. This flexible schedule allows you to plan and manage your finances efficiently, ensuring timely access to your earnings.

What's the closure time for projects?

Project timelines vary based on complexity and scope. Generally, small projects may conclude within a few weeks, while larger or ongoing projects might extend over several months. We encourage clear communication between clients and freelancers to set realistic expectations.

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